Anxiety: everything you need to know

Anxiety is a natural emotion that encompasses the reactions human beings have to the threat of a negative or uncertain outcome. This type of reaction occurs before exams, when speaking in public, when feeling evaluated, in social situations, or before any situation that is threatening”, explains the Spanish Society for […]
Healthy lifestyle. Habits to achieve it

How many times have you thought about trying to follow a healthy lifestyle? And how many times have you succeeded? Surely the answer to the first question is a higher number than the second. But there is a solution! You just have to be clear about what it means to […]
Basic hygienic care of the baby

All of us who are parents, especially if we are newcomers, have had many concerns about how to care for the baby. The newborn, mainly in its first weeks of life, requires basic hygienic care for their welfare. Since they cannot tell us what is bothering them, we must bear […]
The Concept Of Good Medical Care

Good health care is the type of medicine practiced and taught by recognized leaders of the medical profession at a certain period of the social, cultural, and professional development of a particular community or population group. The criteria on which the basic procedures of medical care are based as regards […]
Benefits of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise has many advantages for physical, mental and social health. It can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age and condition. Playing sports can also help prevent cancer, and improve mood and quality of life in people who have been diagnosed with an oncological disease. This article reviews the […]